Huron, SD, USA

Huron, SD Museums

Huron has a wide variety of musuems and historical places that educate visitors on the history of Beadle County, the Women's Suffrage movement in South Dakota, and memoribilia and artifacts from the past.

Learn more about the Museums of Huron

The Pyle House Musuem

376 Idaho Ave SE
Open by appointment
Available for small group gatherings.

Mamie Shields Pyle was instrumental in the Women’s Suffrage movement in South Dakota and her daughter, Gladys Pyle, was the first woman in the nation to be elected to the U.S. Senate. The Pyle home is a well-preserved example of Queen Anne architecture. Built-in 1894, the home has original oak woodwork, furniture, and leaded and stained-glass windows. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It offers a lovely setting for a meeting, shower, or reception.

Admission is $5 per person. Group rates available

Pyle House Museum

Centennial Stone Church Center

48 Fourth St. S.E.

Open by appointment.

Available for small to mid-size events.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this building is more commonly known as the Old Stone Church. The structure was built in 1887 of field stone from a farm northeast of Huron. Visitors can view Centennial memorabilia and other displays and conduct research in the archives. The Center offers the perfect setting for recitals, weddings, receptions, socials, and other gatherings of all types.

Centennial Stone Church Center

Dakotaland Museum

930 Third St. on the State Fairgrounds
Open Memorial Day-Labor Day

The Dakotaland Museum was established in 1960 and is dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the history of Beadle County. More than 15,000 artifacts are currently on display. Among the museum exhibits are a Log Cabin Gallery of Homestead artifacts, a Hubert Humphrey display, and a 1921 Model T Speedster race car. The building itself is a historic building. Built-in 1912 it housed the State Fair Dairy entries and is the oldest building on the Fairgrounds. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings.


Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.


Adults are $5, children under 18 are free, and children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult.

Dakotaland Museum

Influencer & Builder Chamber Investors
